Michelle and I met at Wahjamega Country Church just outside of Caro in the mid-90s at a regular weekly Youth Bible study. We both grew up in Christian homes and in the Church coming from Missionary, Baptist and Evangelical sorts.
Here we are living in Deford now with 5 children, a daughter-in-law and a new grandaughter and maybe a son-in-law soon.. We are surrounded by family and friends and have sought to serve the Father in heaven with whatever He asks us to do. We've been hosting Sabbath Bible studies and the rest of יחוח moedim (holy days) out of our home for almost a decade total but in our 8th year back here in the Deford/Caro area.
Our short story is very similiar to many who decide to strip away all the traditions of men and just look at what the Word of God says. We found many aspects of our faith walk were missing due to misunderstandings of scripture and traditions that were "making void the word of God" as Yeshua mentions in Mark 7. So we started to walk in all His ways and it’s been a journey. We moved back to the Caro area to share with our family what we were learning hoping they’d be excited about the truth as we were. Come visit us to find out how that ends.
We've mostly fellowshipped with close family and friends in our home as we learned to walk like Yeshua walked. However, 2022 was a break-out year and we were led out into other areas of the state joining other Torah & Yeshua based fellowships and meeting our brothers and sisters that have been just a couple towns away this whole time. We've been so blessed by everyone we've met and are excited about fellowshipping and working in the kingdom with all of you.
The point: its 2023 and we believe יחוח has put specific work on our hearts and in our path. One specific area is opening up our fellowship to everyone who needs a place to call home here in the Thumb, He invited us to go out and build a community. We’re a Torah based fellowship in the Thumb and this is your personal invitation to join us at Thumb Torah & Testimony Fellowship.
Mission Statement
Thumb Torah & Testimony Fellowship
Isaiah 8:20 To the Torah and to the Testimony; if they speak not according to this Word, it is because they have no light.
Revelation 12:17b —those who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Yeshua.
Revelation 14:12 Here is the perseverance of the saints —those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Yeshua.