We don't necessarily agree with everything that is written or said but we have been blessed by these laborers & servant ministries.
Click on the Picture to go to their YouTube page.
Click Here to view To The Torah & The Testimony Youtube Playlists of Topical Studies, Music Playlists & More
- Modern Day Paul/Peter - an ex-Sanhedrin in Yerusalem Teaching Torah and Yeshua to our brothers & sisters Yehuda!
Shilo also has a separate Youtube here. https://www.youtube.com/c/ShiloBenHod
Purchase The Pauline Paradox Book
Contact us if you can't afford this book. I have a few copies for just the occasion.
The Video Series is of course free on Youtube or their website.
119 Ministries Team but initially founded by John & Steve and their wives.
To say they've had an impact on this generation would be an uderstaement. Thank you to the whole team current and past. Just my Shout Out. Love you guys.
It all starts here, Identify! Who are you really?
JIm & His family has been through more than most of us. Thank you brother for all you do.
Also Check Out Truth or Tradition
Check out the Lyric Video from Raining Melodies of Johsua's "Gadol Elohi" - Beautiful.